Monday, January 30, 2012

How do you perminantly straighten naturally curly, regularly died hair?

My friend regularly dies her hair, but its Naturally curly. No matter how much she straightens it, it seems to go back curly. She uses GHD's, so therefore you can't expect much better performance from other straighteners, and would like to know if there is any way for it to be permanently straightened.

Many Thanks.

Jamie.How do you perminantly straighten naturally curly, regularly died hair?
get a perm!!!!! i no it sounds wierd coz people do it to make it more curly........ but you can make it straight too!!!!!! yey!!!!! you will have to get it topped up every now and again but it will really work! x

good luck x :) (best answer?) xHow do you perminantly straighten naturally curly, regularly died hair?
Go to a salon and get a Japanese straightening treatment. Costs a bit but it makes it bone straight!

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