Tuesday, February 14, 2012

What is the name of the religious group where the Jewish men wear the long curly sideburns?

I know that in certain Jewish sects (sorry if I'm using the wrong term) there are men who wear the long curly sideburns (sorry if I'm using the wrong term). What are those called, and why do they wear their hair in this manner?What is the name of the religious group where the Jewish men wear the long curly sideburns?
Generally, those are Hassidic Jews, at least in the U.S.; there are other sects that observe the practice as well. The side curls are called ';peyos.'; The hair is worn this way in obedience to a ';negative'; commandment that says that a man should not ';round off'; the corners of their heads, or the corners of their beards. The reference is in Leviticus 19:27.What is the name of the religious group where the Jewish men wear the long curly sideburns?
Everyone answered correctly, They are called Chassidim.

Chassidim sarted in europe and Russia. The reason that they have long sideburns is because 1) The Torah (Bible) says you shouldn't cut the corners of your face with a razor so therefore they don't cut it at all

2) another reason which i feel applies is b/c they want to seperate themselves from non jews as much as possible
Hasidim. There are different groups of Hasidim, like the Lubavitchers.

The sideburns are called payot or peyos and they're worn because of a command not to shave the sides of one's face in the Bible.
As you've already discovered from other answers, they're called peyos and worn by Chasidic Jews - and there's a nice piece about them here: http://judaism.about.com/od/prayersworsh
More traditions of man. Talmud stuff.

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