Sunday, February 12, 2012

What is the easiest way to do a curly up do hiar style?

I am doing my friends hair for prom on sat. and her hiar is bout breast goes down to her boob level. and she wants a curly up do i think i have a hint but if anyone has any good tips please help me!!!!What is the easiest way to do a curly up do hiar style?
Updo's are easy. Part the hair from one ear to the other...seperating the back from the front. Backcomb the back portion. backcombing the top of the back adds height back combing the middle adds thickness. About the time your friend starts to look like Debbie Gibson gather the hair into a loose pony and twist into a French Twist. I bobby pin the lower part of the twist and get the tiny allegator clips to secure the top part of the twist my favorite ones are the clear...holds much better than bobby pins especially at a prom. Then curl the loose ends hanging out of the twist. For the front just start pulling small curled sections to the twist and add to it. Backcome at the root whatever you need to. you can do a sidesweep by leaving the front section out of the back twist. That's why I do it like that. I hope this helps and the best updo spray I found is Redken headset 25 or hotset 22. That hair won't be going anywhere.What is the easiest way to do a curly up do hiar style?
the easiest would be to do a rollerset with green rollers and then once you take it down. pin curls where you want them, smooth sides where you want and secure, and spray a lot of hairspray... and don't forget with that much hair you must have good strong invisible hair pins..get black if her hair is dark, get copper if her hair is blonde. or you can curl it all over with a curling iron, but only if you are good at what you do...if you aren't you won't have a curl one to pin up... but if so, repeat the same steps after entire headform is curled...good luck and have fun at the prom.
Take the hair like on the top of your head (not your bangs, right behind) and do like a ';poof';. It almost looks like it's half-up/half-down. Then curl your hair like in spirals. It's really cute. I hope I explained it ok. :) Have Fun!

These are cute too:

Good Luck!! :)

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